Adult Learning for Presenters and Public Speakers

Adult Learning for Presenters and Public Speakers

Patricia Fripp executive speech coach & keynote speaker
Patricia Fripp executive speech coach & keynote speaker

by Patricia Fripp 

Just back from a vacation in Paris. Now clearing the desk and getting ready for the National Speakers Association convention. As part of that preparation I am reading a great report

Neuroscience shows that the average adult attention span is 10 minutes. Current 21st century instructor research proves that a presenter needs to chunk content into 10-minute bites. Chunking content will help the brain remember, recall and learn information. After each 10-20 minutes of content, the presenter should have the attendees discuss that
content with one another. Posing good questions to the audience for discussion in pairs or small groups will increase audience participation and engagement.

I will certainly take this into consideration for my session on Opening Your Presentation delivered at the 2012 NSA convention in Indianapolis Monday, July 16.

In case you don’t make it why not check out the public speaking learning resources I have already created for ambitious public speakers, sales professionals, and business leaders.