Want to Deliver An Effective Presentation? Rehearse

My friend and colleague Sims Wyeth shares these thoughts on rehearsal to help you improve your presentations:

You have a cerebral cortex for learning your new presentation. As you rehearse, you gradually transfer control of the presentation to another area of the brain, your cerebellum, which specializes in orchestrating the lightning fast motor activation needed to perform complex actions.

The problem is, the cerebellum is not consciously accessible. So if you start monitoring yourself during your talk, you’re going to put your cerebral cortex back in charge and run into trouble.

What’s the solution? Rehearse! Rehearsal enables spontaneity. It sets you free. The cerebellum is at least twice as fast as the cerebral cortex at recalling information.

Rehearse until your content packs its tent and moves to the cerebellum.

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Executive Speech Coach and Hall of Fame Keynote Speaker Patricia Fripp works with individuals and companies who realize that powerful, persuasive presentation skills give them a competitive edge.