Last Words Linger – 6 Ways to Close Your Presentation

Close your presentation on a high note.

Close your presentation with words that support your message and maximize your impact. Never end by announcing, “We’re out of time,” even if you are. Never end by thanking the audience for being there. Never assume you can “just wing it.” Plan, script, and rehearse exactly how you will close your presentation. Here are six examples of how to close a presentation with power:

Six Ways to Close Your Presentation

1.) Ask a rhetorical question.
Ask your audience a rhetorical question based on your premise. The question, “How do we perfect our presentation skills?” would be one way to close a presentation about presentation skills. A rhetorical question will help your audience focus in again on your central theme.

2.) Review your points of wisdom.
Review your main talking points. As you revisit each point, tie it into an example. When closing a speech on presentation skills you could remind the audience, “Build rehearsal into your everyday schedule,” then ask, “Would the treadmill work for you?”

3.) Challenge your audience.
Remind your audience of the benefits of taking your advice or why your information is relevant to their concerns.

4.) Call them to action.
Give your audience specific next steps or a call to action that will help them implement what they have learned. Invite them to make a decision and act right now.

5.) Revisit your opening.
Whenever possible, refer back to your opening. This is the circular approach and ties a bow around your message. Your conclusion needs to be as solid as your opening.

6.) Let your last words linger.
Devise one short sentence that is profound or inspiring. Be intentional about selecting the words. Your goal is to be remembered and repeated. This is not a time to add a new taking point.

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Close Your Presentation with Power

Executive Speech Coach and Hall of Fame Keynote Speaker Patricia Fripp works with individuals and companies who realize that powerful, persuasive presentation skills give them a competitive edge.

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