Leadership Presentations

How to Build Action and Commitment

The Secrets of Inspiring Action and Commitment

Keynote Speech or Interactive Breakout Session by Patricia Fripp

Leaders always need to communicate. In challenging times, even more frequently. Your team members, partners, and customers want to hear from you and hear the truth from you, good news or bad.

They want you to look into your eyes, even if it is on their computer screen, and see you being authentic and empathetic. Although charts, graphs, and detailed PowerPoints have their place, this is not a time for them. Your delivery needs to create energetic intimacy.

In this presentation you will learn how to do the following:

  • Understand what your associates need from leadership presentations
  • Inspire action and commitment through your words
  • Realize the mistakes most executives make and how to avoid them
  • Know how you may accidentally sabotage your best intentions
  • Connect with every audience member always
  • Make real-life stories more compelling
  • Explain complex ideas and your ideal easily
  • Show the person behind your position

Watching you captivate an audience in person was incredible. Discovering you could do the same virtually is impressive.” Michelle Kabele, Channel Marketing, Zebra Technologies

All of Patricia Fripp’s presentations can be delivered as a keynote or convention breakout session. She is very experienced in virtual presentations. Regardless of the makeup of your audience, Patricia will adapt to the specifics of your conference and industry.

"As you know our sales conversations and presentations to doctors are fairly complex, and we have very little time to capture their attention. XDx’s associates are incredibly well educated and most have earned two degrees, so they can be a tough audience. Their expectations were very high. The next day the participants told me 'This was far more than presentation training-it was a tremendous team building exercise as well. We all felt we could practice new skills, leave our comfort zone, and become more Hollywood in the safe environment that Fripp created. And it was more fun than we would ever have imagined."

Debra Franz, MBA, MT(ASCP)SH, Senior Director, Marketing

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