Great communicators are remembered and repeated. To make your message more memorable, pay close attention to how you order your words and phrases, even within a single sentence. Thoughtful choices in word order, give you the opportunity to highlight your most significant information and deliver this as “impact phrases.” Audiences engage when we present information […]


Subtle changes will make a tremendous difference Both in your public speaking and writing. Here are a few of my inside secrets on editing to ensure that your presentation is a success. A “pithy” presentation is “to the point” and “forcefully expressive.”  That’s powerful.  The word “edit” is commonly misused as a synonym for “delete.” […]


Designing a presentation starts with the creative process, which can be messy. PowerPoint is tidy, but should only come in later when preparing a presentation. I love PowerPoint. Maybe you do too? Remember, however, that PowerPoint is a visual aid.


Close your presentation with words that support your message and maximize your impact. Never end by announcing, “We’re out of time,” even if you are. Never end by thanking the audience for being there. Never assume you can “just wing it.” Plan, script, and rehearse exactly how you will close your presentation. Here are six […]


Learn the Right Way to Prepare a Presentation At every stage of your career, when you open your mouth you sell yourself, your ideas, your value, and your ability. Fortunately, even if you’re not a born communicator, the ability to deliver a powerful presentation can be learned. I share this story about one intelligent and […]


Q: What is the secret of delivering a good presentation? A: The audience is interested. Q: How do I know that they will be? A: If it is interesting, entertaining, and your audience can see themselves in your presentations… your audience will be interested. Therefore, ask yourself these three questions: Who is my audience? What […]


Are You Spending Too Much Time Preparing Your Presentation? Have you thought, “Wish I could create a great presentation without spending hours on it!”? Let me show you how to save time when preparing your presentation. Why not speed up your preparation process by learning from someone else’s 30-plus years of experience? After delivering 3,247 […]


When you start to put together a presentation, what do you think about? You probably wonder how to make your presentation interesting to your audience. I recommend that you begin by knowing your audience and understanding not only what they need, but also what they want. They need to have “buy-in” for your topic. This […]


Is Your Speech as Good as a Movie? Do you vary your scenes? The biggest enemy of a speaker, no matter how exceptional, is sameness or lack of variety. Each time you move from story to story or example to example, you create a scene change and keep your audience interested. Early in every movie, […]


Do you captivate your audience with captivating characters in your presentations? The late comedy impresario John Cantu knew that speakers must not be the heroes of all their stories. Once, we sat down together to deconstruct one of his speeches and found 62 different people mentioned! Learn from great books, plays, and films. Fill your […]