Powerful Presentations: Getting Off to a Good Start

Most speakers if they know their subject are not bad once they get going. However very few know how to get off to a really good start.  My recommendation is that you script your opening. However, do not write in paragraphs. Write it as phrases down the page not across. As my early mentor Bill Gove taught me “Fripp, the written word is for the eye, the spoken word is for the rhythm.” As you rehearse preparing it this way makes it easier to get into your body.

Here is a sample for you to model. This is my opening script for a speech I delivered for the first time to the National Speakers Association of Northern California at our January 2011 meeting. This celebrated our 30 year anniversary. The speech included an online demonstration of my FrippVirtual.com office and two recorded interviews with Dave Williams of Conference Village and Bob Chesney of Chesney Communications.

Here is what I prepared and rehearsed to internalize. If you are a novice you can take these notes to the lectern. If you are experienced keep them close at hand for confidence. By the way, I print mine on card stock and 24 point type!

As you have heard….
over the last 30 years the speaking business has expanded

As you realize…
everyone and their mother in law wants to be a professional speaker

As you know…
the recent down turn in the economy has dramatically effected how both individuals and corporations invest money.

Our founder Cavett Robert encouraged us …
to build an association where “We do not fight over pieces of the pie…we instead…make the SPEAKING PIE  bigger”

For the first 35 years of NSA and 30 years with this chapter…that is what has happened.

The questions now become…
What do you do when…
Our clients have cut their budgets
They tell you “We want all our training online”
Their expectations are unrealistic of how long it takes to train their teams
How do we serve them…and ourselves?
AND…have a competitive edge…

Don’t know about you…
All I ever wanted in business is…an unfair advantage.

NSA actually gave us the answer.
In 2003 when Stephen Tweed was President.
They told us “Stop thinking of yourself as a speaker.
Rather as an expert who speaks.”

Once we realize that it does not matter…
If our audience is one, ten, 100 or thousands.
They may be sitting in front of us…or around the world.
In person or virtually.

The Future is Now….the Virtual YOU.

You are about to:
View a powerful tool…
That is a available to you and…is surprising affordable.
You will:
Meet my two secret weapons who made it possible for me…and you.
You will:
Learn  of several ways I use the virtual office…
To have an unfair advantage over my competition.

This is where I sat down, put on my glasses, and brought up www.frippvirtual.com

After the demonstration I answered over a dozen questions, then went to a PowerPoint for a review and with special effects including “blowing up” our ideas of how to be a professional speaker.

Ken Braly who gave me the confidence to embrace technology and built my original website.
Jim Prost who is the power behind my PowerPoint
Tom Drews who taught me how to deliver dynamic Webinars.

Challenged the audience to “blow up” their previous ideas about the speaking business.
Closed on a high.

Check out the virtual office information


Bob Chesney visits me Bob Bob Chesney visits Fripp Virtual

Dave William visits me in Dave Williams visits Fripp Virtual

Want to know more about speaking professionally and marketing yourself as a keynote speaker, consultant,  or coach?

Then you need to check out the Patricia Fripp Speaking School and The Odd Couple Marketing Seminar with Alan Weiss.